“Dialogue Extreme” is an unconventional discussion format: 40 experts sit at 40 tables to discuss one topic. 2016 about “Arriving – Visions for a New Berlin”.
In 2015 alone, over 70,000 refugees arrived in Berlin. Initial reception centers and emergency shelters are overcrowded. Mass accommodation has been built on Tempelhofer Feld. And what happened afterwards? There is an overall lack of affordable housing in this city. Berlin must act quickly and help as best it can. The question is how?
Visitors can decide for themselves which role they would like to play in the evening. In addition to the 40 one-on-one dialogues, there is the possibility to listen to the conversations alternately via audio channels.
In addition to the design of the conversation room for the “Dialogue Extreme”, the arrival and waiting area was created in the style of an airport transit room with “check in” and integrated stations for hospitality and stay as well as video feeds about the experts.