Kaitlyn Woodburn

Kaitlyn is a performer, sculptor and painter who also dabbles in sound design. She completed her bachelor’s degree in Humanities, Arts, and Social Thought at Bard College Berlin in 2024; a degree program designed to engage with philosophy, politics, and art history, alongside practicing arts. During her studies she focused primarily on postdramatic theater and visual arts, always remaining curious about how spaces can be designed or depicted to reflect the nuances of an encounter between humans and environment through a multimedia approach. Her bachelor’s thesis installation ‘Capacity‘ explores topics of pollution in Earth’s orbit by creating a space-junkyard for the viewer to navigate. She also recently held an exhibition titled ‘July, 20th, 2024‘ at Gallery Anna25 with two collaborators where the work was dialogue with Octavia Butler’s novel „Parable of the Sower“. Her work typically deals with topics of subjective bodily experience and the imagination of dystopian futures. She finds that the most interesting works are often collaborative, collaging together different artistic approaches to create the conditions for the unexpected to arise.
