The exhibition opens the subject of WOOL to visitors of all ages with the possibility of approaching and dealing with wool playfully, sensually, intellectually, or nostalgically. In each room, the focus is on places of encounter, shared active experience and exchange between the generations. At the same time, visitors can delve into a wide range of topics: shepherding life and dealing with animals, the extraction of wool, the processing of raw wool into thread and the production of stitches right up to the product.
Under the direction of Johann Jörg, students developed individual spatial concepts that were not only dedicated to the specific historical, social, and cultural aspects of the topic, but also raised and put up for discussion explosive questions about the future, such as the handling of resources in the textile sector. The intelligent linking of classical knowledge transfer with sensually active and participatory experience for all generations as well as the interweaving of the narratives in the space posed a complex scenographic challenge.